Location Data Fueling Analytics Models for DMI Finance

In conversation with Aparna Manchanda: Head of Risk and Analytics at DMI Finance

The Challenge

DMI Finance was facing the challenge of getting quality alternate data to fuel their analytics models and understanding what data variables hold the best for credit profiling their non-traditional credit (NTC) users.

The Solution

They decided to partner with GeoIQ for their location data intelligence needs. GeoIQ provided DMI Finance with customer-level models using raw location data and over 3000 data variables configured into their affluence model.

Why GeoIQ

GeoIQ stood out among other alternative data providers for their flexibility, accommodating nature, and solutions suited to DMI Finance’s portfolio experience. They also had a professional team, offline scoring capabilities, and a turnaround time of 24 to 48 hours, which was commendable. DMI Finance was highly likely to recommend GeoIQ with a score of 8 to 9 on a scale of 10.


The use case for underwriting NTC users was a huge success story for DMI Finance. They got to experiment with NTC data on various variables and observed the statistical impact on their business that more than offsets the cost. Compared to the three other vendors they considered, GeoIQ had incomparably more data and was faster.

In conclusion, GeoIQ helped DMI Finance overcome its challenge of getting quality alternate data to fuel its analytics models and understanding the best data variables for credit profiling their NTC users. The company found GeoIQ to be convenient, prompt, flexible, and open to feedback.

Access a detailed case study on “Serving NTC Customers with Location Data and Intelligence”

To learn more about our solutions, visit: https://geoiq.io/

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